Groeneveld Single Line
Parallel NLGI-0 automatic lubrication system with reservoir
The SingleLine automatic lubrication system has a parallel operation and is suitable for up to NLGI-0 grease. The SingleLine is developed for equipment with a large number of lubrication points, such as low-loaders, articulated buses, trucks with drum brakes and trailers with steered axles. This lubrication system is used all over the world to ensure efficient and effective lubrication.
Quality of the grease is preserved with low work pressure.
Metering units offer an exact/adjustable amount of grease per lubrication point.
Optimum lubrication and sealing of all points.
SingleLine quick tip movies
With the follower plate, it is easy to refill the SingleLine with GreenLube grease. Simply, connect the feedline of the GreenLube filling station to the filler coupling of the SingleLine and start pumping.
For additional videos on the Groeneveld Single Line visit our training video page here.
System overview
A pneumatic SingleLine lubrication system consists of the following components:
Pump unit
Distribution block(s)
Metering units
Grease lines from the metering units to the individual lubrication points
Air supplyAngle Sensor
When the pump is activated, grease is pumped to the distribution blocks. The metering units on the distribution blocks provide the required amount of grease to the lubrication points through secondary lines.
Follower plate
Metering units
Secondary lines
Electronic timer
Pneumatic pump with brake counter
Metering units and distribution blocks
Stainless steel metering units and distribution blocks